About Us

Digitalized Facts (DF) is specialized in digital innovation and data analytics. It leads by the best expertise in the field. We provide advanced analytics solutions to help enterprises instrument their digital transformation journey. We develop AI solutions and services to enable data-driven decision-making across retail, healthcare, banking, financial service, and insurance.

Our Products

Customized Solutions

This AI-based technology journey, presented with practic plan and defined impelmentation plan. The journey can be classified in 3 broad segments – Data Engineering, Data Science & Analytics, and AIOps.

Predefined Solutions

Our products have been implemented within four different industries; retail, healthcare, finance, and etc.

Advanced Analytics

The platform provides scalable, reliable, easy-to-use, automated tool kits and accelerators to build useful complex AI solutions with MLOps Environment and microservices repository.

Transform to the Way Modern Enterprises are Built and Run.